Weapon of Words

Sparks up Your Thinking.

They are brothers, share the same faith with mine, we prostrate to the same God each single days, play the role as a slave.
But there is one significant difference, I come to Perth to further my studies, pursue my career and dream. They come to Perth not for study, but to earn a life, to survive. Travel from thousand miles away with a speed boat, my logic would tell that they are totally absurd!  Why would they travel by sea when nowadays it’s a norm to board a flight especially for traveller like them went all the way from middle east to down under country like Australia? Did you know how risky and life threatening it is to go over the sea with the storm and heavy tides which would occur anytime?
And I am thinking of that spontaneously making a stereotype: asylum seeker!
Yeah in fact it is who they are.
The journey took them away from home country, transit in Malaysia, Indonesia, and finally to where they are belong now, living with a foster family who are willing to share bits of happiness with them. The harsh journey put them detained by the authorities, in and out of jail, freedom by ransom. The leftover pocket money is the only hope for them to start a new life in Perth, away from those fire, rockets, bombs, terrorists, army, guns, tanks, which is a normal atmosphere every single day therein.

'Brother how old are you?"
"45, In Afghan, we dont have any birth certificate"
"So how could you remember your age when you can't even have any document to prove your date of birth?'
“ I ask my mom, and she said ,"You are 2 years younger than your older brothers, so I calculated mine from my brother's age"
"Ouh just like that?" Then I started to ponder on what if her mother lies, ouch it can't be!
"Yeah, in Islam we always refer events like 10 years before Hijri or 10 years after Hijri"
That makes sense to me.
I don’t know why and how but just by looking at them, there is an emotional feeling and humanity within me  keep saying how sad it is for the hometown where they were brought up since kids were destroyed in a never ending war. The full conspiracy war in the name of anti-terrorism. In fact it is more than humanity, as we are brothers in Islam; the bonding between us is much more than that.
The day goes by since then.
One day I read a headline on an online portal:
“Australia offers migrants cash to go home. Authorities offer payments of up to AU$10,000 for asylum seekers to drop their bids for refugee status”.

That reminds me of the two brothers I knew before. How lucky are they to escape such Australia Government policy and earn a living here. Yeah indeed Allah is the best planner towards His slave’s  fate and destiny. May Allah has mercy on them on this pursuit of happiness,  and go back to where they come from peacefully.

Allah menjadikan manusia berbeza-beza mengikut fahaman, warna kulit, pegangan agama, prinsip dan nilai. Mustahil satu keadaan di mana semua manusia sama. Bahkan mustahil semua manusia Islam. Perbezaan ini ada kaitannya seperti dalam Surah al Hujurat (13), terdapat asas kepelbagaian ini dengan anjuran supaya proses litaarafu atau berkenalan berlaku. Daripadanya manusia memiliki sifat mempelajari, saling melengkapi, berkongsi supaya nilai interaktif dapat dikongsi. 

Sinergi satu tambah satu menghasilkan tiga, bukan dua. Lihat sahaja bagaimana seekor kerbau dan burung bersinergi. Kerbau badannya dibersihkan dan si burung mendapat makanan dari badan kerbau.

Seorang yang ingin menegakkan negara sekular dan seorang ingin menegakkan negara Islam. Apakah ada potensi dua individu ini ingin bekerjasama walhal keduanya mempunyai prinsip yang sama sekali bercanggah satu sama lain? Ya boleh jika untuk mencapai satu matlamat yang sama. Iaitu matlamat keadilan. Di sini, tidak kira mereka sekular atau Islamis, kedua-duanya ingin menegakkan keadilan, menentang individu ketiga yang juga perosak keadilan, maka akan ada ruang kerjasama membentuk sinergi tanpa menggadai prinsip.

Apabila kita berbeza prinsip, bukanlah satu halangan untuk bekerjasama dengan entiti lain. Malah sinergi yang terhasil akan membuahkan kesan yang lebih besar impaknya berbanding hanya dilakukan sendirian.

Makan di hadapan laptop,
Baca berita di hadapan laptop,

Menonton filem di hadapan televisyen,
Bermain video games di hadapan televisyen,
Dengar ceramah di hadapan laptop,
Menghubungi ibu bapa telefon bimbit,

Chatting di facebook,
Berkenalan di facebook,
Bisnes di laptop,
Banking di laptop,
Pendaftaran di laptop,

Consultation di laptop,
Bayar bil di laptop,
Membaca di ipad,

Kita hidup bukan dalam realiti,
Kita hidup di dalam dunia virtual,
Kita kurang menggunakan deria dan pancaindera,
Kita kurang berinteraksi dengan kawan,

Kita kurang berinteraksi dengan alam,
Tidak hairanlah kita kekurangan umur.

"Lihatlah di sana pandanglah ke sana

Mereka yang terbaring di tanah

Mereka pun sama

Pernah hidup juga

Kita akan menyusul kemudian.."

About Me

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Musthakim Mahadi
Bentley, Perth, Australia
Khalifah Allah di muka bumi
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"In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away"